

There is a lot to know about UK Let’s have a glance about uk. UK Is a country belonging to the European continient.it included with four separate countries that are England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland.

The Great Britain is named only for three nations, that are England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland .Britain is named with the countries England Wales.

UK mainly located on two large Island .that is Island of Great Britain and Ireland.

There are approximately 67 million people live in UK. London is the capital of UK with 9 million inhabitants. The religious of this country is Christian. Government: parliamentary Monarchy Democracy and the main language is English.

In urban areas most of the population near about 83% live in. only 20% live in rural areas. More than 1 million population live in Birmingham .

The nation symbol of uk is lion, the nation color is blue, white and red.

Interesting thing is there is no national holiday, The queens official birthday is celebrated as a public holiday .that holiday held on second Saturday in June.

Economy fact of Uk: among the world’s largest economies after USA, JAPAN, CHINA UK is the world largest. The pound starlings one of the strongest currencies in the world .United Kingdom became the 3rd largest economy after the Germany and France. USA, CHINA, Germany are there biggest trading partners.

Biggest uk companies and manufactures:

  • HSBC (Banking and Financial service)
  • BP (British Petroleum)
  • Unilever (food, household, healthcare product, Lipton tea)

Major natural resources are natural gas, petroleum, and coal. Main manufactured goods are food and soft drinks, almost half of its food stuff consumed in uk.

UK has the famous person when you will find out that’s peoples that will goosebumps you .let’s start with Queen Elizabeth 2, she borned in 21 April 1926.She is one of the longest reigning monarch in the world. When she was 60 years old she regins in the UK.

Another one is William Shakespeare whose nick name was “The bard”. The famous Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth and Hamlet are known to all that William Shakespeare was the writer. He was the biggest playwright in the world.

Florence Nightingale who doesn’t heard her name, she was called lady with lamp. Before worked and trained as a nurse she traveled widely in Egypt and Greece. In 1860 English Social reformer opened the first school which was for professional nursing and that helped to spread medical knowledge.

J.K Rowling who was the famous for his book series “Harry Potter” that earned one billion dollar. J.K Rowling who became the first author of the book series. In her carrier as a writer she wrote several fantasy novels that tell about the adventure.

Most popular sports are soccer, cricket and golf  all sports are said that all r invented in UK. The oldest golf course that Is located in Scotland. Golf has been invented in1457 already.

London transport system:

If you new in UK it can be challenging to get your head around the public transport system. Many of the UK  public service soon you will soon you will discover British pupils favorite pastimes when you are new arrival in UK.UKs public service depends where you live.

In cities public transport are well developed and cost effective .for longer journey the train is reliable and accessible. If you are in central London or rural area the local bus is likely public transport, by this you will come across in UK. No surprise bus is the most popular form of public transport where theirs quality and cost efficiency.

Living and working in London that you will see metro is highly likely part of your everyday commute, gees r depends on your destination.

The funny facts about UK IS:

  • England 1st king made a law that everyone had to be bed by 8pm.
  • French was the official language
  • 165 million cups of tea per day consumed in uk
  • there are more chickens in England than people .

Now have a glance about UK people’s popular food .fish and chips .black pudding (that’s mainly cooked by sausage or sliced meatloaf of pigs that has been mixed with spices and then cooked.

Bangs and mash, that basically made by sausage and Mashed potatoes.

Baked beans and tomatoes sauce are especially popular to children. A lot of you might have guessed already British are big tea drinkers and as well you will know they are the world biggest tea consumers.

In the afternoon tea is there light meal with sandwiches or toast.

Shopping:  Maybe London is not be the cheapest city in the world but that doesn’t mean there aren’t great bargains to be found.

There are a lot to know about UK, I just given above that hope u will enjoyed to know all facts and which u didn’t know before.

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