

The USA is the second-largest country globally, and a mix of large urban areas is thinly populated, and landscapes are beautiful. United States cultures are likewise very miscellaneous. Partially, due to the ingress of immigrants who entered America since the 17th century, the US consists of a colorful mix of cultures worldwide.


The country itself is also enormous; everything is more extensive than more significant. For example, the supermarkets are expensive, the massive food portions and the skyscrapers are lots. American’s thinks are big, and everything seems to be possible there. There is an exact reason that America is known as a country that has unlimited possibilities. The “American Dream” and the diversity and contrasts in nature and culture make the United States a popular holiday destination.


After the Italian sailor, America is named Amerigo Vespucci. He was the first person who realize that America was not in Asia but an entirely new continent. He described this in “Quator Americi navigations” and Mundes Novus.” These letters spread all over in Europe. After Amerigo Vespucci, cartographers named it “Terra Americi.” Eventually, the name was changed to “America,” which was mentioned as the southern half of this new part of the world.


In United States, English is the main language. Because America is so big and consists of 50 different states, you might be approached with other languages, like German, Spanish, Chinese, and French. Navajo, which is a Native American language, is still spoken by 178,000 people.


Regarding the weather, spring or autumn is generally best to travel to the USA. The temperatures are pleasant in most places, and you can catch a bit of spring to boot. It rains more in the winter, while the summer can bring very high temperatures in certain states.


America is too large and has so many diverse climates that it can be difficult to tell about the USA what the weather and climate can be. Before your trip, be sure to inform yourself about the local weather. Keep that in mind. The last of December to March can be a hectic time in the United States. However, it differs from area to area.


Hurricanes and tornadoes frequently occur in America, although this differs from area to area. From October to November, there can be obstacles during the hurricane season when hurricanes affect areas with warm seawater like Florida.


You can travel the USA comfortably by airplane, train, bus, boat, metro, taxi, motorhome, or (rental) car in America. Public transport is well organized in the cities. However, outside of them, this is not necessarily the case. If you want to travel long distance in a short period, a plane is always the best option for you, as domestic flights are cheaper than the bus or train for this motive. The metro and taxis are mostly suited for quick move through in the cities, and the prices are almost reasonable. In general, car rent is the best option to travel in USA; with a car you get the freedom to go and stand wherever and whenever you like.


To travel in America everyone needs a valid passport, and it has to be valid until after the end of your trip. Children and babies are also required to carry their own passport; you cannot travel to the USA with your baby if the child’s details included in your own passport. If your plan is to travel across a US border with more than 10.000 euros in cash, that is essential to report this to the immigration service. It is banned to import drugs, fruit, meat, seeds, and dairy and lottery tickets.

In the US living people always pay the American dollar. The dollar value can fluctuate compared to other currencies such as the euro; make sure to check the exchange rate of your currency compared to the dollar before your trip.


Most Americans give a good 15% tip in restaurants when they get satisfactory service. The wages in American restaurants are very low because it is expected to remunerate through tips.


America is a safe country for travelling. However, the country also has less savory neighborhoods especially in the bigger cities. Be sure that where you check on arrival where you should travel to on your trip, and which places should be avoided. Do you want to stay in the wilderness, be wary of the wild animals that live here, like bears?


No one special warnings apply to travel for USA. Be sure that always keep your travel documents with you all the time (such as your driving license and passport). Also make a photocopy of your travel documents; in case you should lose them, you can always print them again.


During this time everything seems to be good in USA but for Coronavirus, everything began to stop. The pandemic has changed people’s lives in both enormous and small ways. The impact occurs on women and young people, what it means for the food supply, and increasing already growing inequality.

COVID-19 is a clear reminder of longstanding unfairness in our societies and how policies need to pay attention to protect and lift the least advantaged in society. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a contagious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Most people in the USA with COVID-19 will experience mild to moderate symptoms and recover without any special treatment. However, some people will become extremely sick and need intensive treatment.


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