Visa Consultancy

When preparing for a visa application, it is common for a visa applicant to become perplexed. It may become difficult for you to handle all of the documentation and regulations on your own. We know that throughout times like these, you might use some direction and assistance to get you through. Our knowledgeable advisors will assist you with a One-on-One Information Session, Personal and Professional Profile Assessment, Travel History Assessment, Finding the Right Set of Documents for You, and Preparing and Formatting the Documents for Your Visa. Depending on the reason for your trip, Examine, identify, and correct any possible loopholes in the documents that might jeopardize your chances of getting the job.
Your Previous Visa Refusals and Getting an Embassy Appointment
Our consulting services include the following:
1. Researching Your Background and Travel Experiences
2. Developing a Checklist based on Profile Merit.
3 Identifying Loop Holes and Getting Rid of Them
4. Planning the most effective visa application strategy.
Consultancy Service Fee (BDT) 10,000/- *VAT of 15% will be applied to So-way Tours & Travels.
Please note that our consultation fee does not include logistics fees, visa fees, VFS fees, translation and notary fees, asset declaration fees, travel insurance, or any relevant fees. Our job is to correctly advise you through the process of preparing your visa application materials, both verbally and in writing.